Thesis Layout

Your thesis as creative design


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Designing a Thesis?

Designing a thesis is an art in itself. After all, there has to be a good visual translation of the content.

Ridderprint has its own studio and an external network of professional designers. This way we make the right match with the professional that suits you. 

We deliver a creative thesis design for the cover and layout. So that you can focus on the content.

The packages

LAY-OUT | Inside pages: Complete

€ 525
  • A to Z layout of the inside pages
  • Up to 30 tables

The complete layout from A to Z on the basis of your wishes. We have examples for you to choose from.

Choose the Complete Plus package if you have more than 30 tables.

The following layout elements can be determined for the layout:

– Font, size, and line spacing
– Use of headlines
– Headers and footers
– Table of contents
– References
– Tables
– Indexes
– Title pages of chapters

LAY-OUT | Inside pages: Complete Plus

€ 625
  • A to Z layout of the inside pages
  • More than 30 tables

The complete layout from A to Z on the basis of your wishes. We have examples for you to choose from. 

Choose the Complete package if you have fewer than 30 tables.

The following layout elements can be determined for the layout:

– Font, size, and line spacing
– Use of headlines
– Headers and footers
– Table of contents
– References
– Tables
– Indexes
– Title pages of chapters

LAY-OUT | Inside pages: Standard PDF

€ 100 per element
  • Adding layout elements to your PDF file
  • Up to 3 layout elements possible

If you have created your own layout but still want to add something? You can do so with this package. You submit the complete PDF file. We can add a maximum of 3 layout elements to this PDF file.

You can choose styling for the following 3 layout elements:

  1. Indexes (chapter numbers on the side of your pages)
  2. Header and footer
  3. Title pages of chapters

LAY-OUT | Cover: Standard

€ 100
  • The layout of the cover according to your wishes with the text and images submitted.

If you can provide the photos and text but you do not have the knowledge for creating a cover, this will be the package you need.

We combine your material into a technically correct cover. You can specify additional wishes such as use of color, type of font, etc.

If you are looking for a suitable image, this is possible on websites such as If you find something here, we can purchase the image(s) for you.

LAY-OUT | Cover: Design

€ 300
  • Complete design of the cover in collaboration with a graphic designer.

You want a unique cover? Then this is the package for you! In collaboration with a designer, you develop a concept into a custom cover. 

In consultation we provide a suitable designer. In a conversation with the designer you discuss a concept to create something unique.


More than 25 years experience, and it shows in the quality of our service and work. Thesis design and high-quality printing. The newest techniques with sharp and vibrant prints. In our own design studio and great collaborations.

Personal attention

Ridderprint is the specialist in thesis layout and design! We aim for 100% customer satisfaction. To this end, we offer our customers flexibility and optimum personal guidance.


Do you want to get the best value for your budget? We provide comprehensive services and solutions for thesis layout and design, from standard to fully customized, with personal attention and excellent advice.

Thesis layout?

1. Intake interview

If you decide to have your thesis layout designed by Ridderprint, we will send you all additional information and we will plan your order. During an intake with a designer, your wishes and the files to be submitted are discussed.

2. Thesis design

Once the wishes for the thesis layout have been identified, a concept chapter is created. After you have approved the layout and styling, the rest of the thesis is processed. During this process, you will receive the layout for reviewing, in which you can make any corrections required.

3. Checking proof print

After the layout has been completed, you receive the proof, which you can check for content and quality. You will also receive an information card with some explanation about the proof. After you have checked the proof, you can inform the designer about any corrections that should be made on the thesis design. In this way, we work towards approval for production.

4. Production and delivery

You receive a production confirmation in which you can check the order details. After your approval, we start with the production. The delivery takes place with overnight shipment to the address agreed on, at normal business hours.

Submit files
Layout process
Send a proof
Approval production

Frequently asked questions

How should I submit my thesis for layout?

We would like to receive the text in a Word document.

Which elements can be styled in the layout?

In our Complete (Plus) packages for the inside pages, you can have the entire thesis styled from A to Z, including:

  • Font, size, and line spacing
  • Use of headlines
  • Headers and footers
  • Table of contents
  • References
  • Tables
  • Indexes
  • Title pages of chapters

How should I submit my figures and images for the layout?

You can leave the figures as a reference in the Word document. We also want to receive these figures separately, as close to the source as possible so as to retain the best possible quality. The format of these separate files may vary (e.g. PDF or TIFF documents).

Which quality is required for the figures?

The optimum quality or resolution for images and figures is 300 DPI. Figures can also be submitted as vectors in their respective sources (e.g. EPS documents or EMF from PowerPoint).

How should I submit tables?

You can leave the tables in the Word document. These tables should consist of rows and cells. We can import these tables into our software and adjust the styling accordingly.

How long does the layout process take?

This depends on the package you choose and the creativity required. Our standard packages take several working days. Our Complete (Plus) and total packages may take two or three weeks. Check our planning tool to get some idea of how long the entire process takes.

How can I get my ideas across?

Depending on the package you choose, we have templates and examples for you. Together with the designer you can take stock of your wishes. These wishes will be made into a layout concept.

I have a specific idea. How should I go about it?

We work with in-house as well as external designers. We can decide which designers would be perfect for your wishes and ideas.

How many corrections can I indicate?

In our packages, 30 minutes are reserved for author corrections, for instance with respect to spelling errors or other inconsistencies. We recommend that you check the Word document carefully before sending it to us. This will lead to fewer corrections, and it will save you time while checking the concept and the entire layout.

What are the options for the look of my thesis?

We have various types of paper for the inside pages and cardboard for the cover. There are also various applications for embellishing the cover. Since the possibilities we offer are many, we have not shown all options in the offer request. If you want to be informed of all options, please contact us without obligations.

With the offer request you can also apply for our manual. Our standard paper types are included as examples. Some applications have been used on the cover of this manual.

Can I have my thesis designed?

You certainly can. On our layout page, you can view our packages.

More questions

Work we are proud of


Highly recommend!

I was extremely happy with the end results of Ridderprint’s thesis printing. I had very good experience with the whole planning, everyone was very professional. Every set deadlines were met and there was no stress.